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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mojotone Philosophy 101, ... (Press)

For years, Mojotone has been a paragon of the DIY lifestyle, encouraging thousands of guitar players across the world to "own the tone." While many would consider  assembling and wiring an entire guitar amplifier in their home workshop to be daunting and perhaps even overwhelming, Mojotone sees the light at the end of the proverbial  tunnel.  Mojotone employee, Logan Tabor, says "We try to empower our customers the way they empower us. Our customers help us strive to do the best job we possibly can, and we simply take the opportunity to return that sense of fortitude." 

Mojotone is what many would consider a rare bird, offering all of the electronic and aesthetic components necessary to create a guitar amp, a set of pickups,  or even a speaker cabinet.  The company stocks a wide variety of parts sourced from numerous manufacturers, allowing customers to fully customize their upcoming projects. While Mojotone does offer kits for vintage reproduction amplifiers, they also give customers the option to swap out parts and achieve something that is truly unique.
"You have all of these great players that are out there on this endless search for the perfect tone, and they all want something different-- something unique.  Why not help them find it?"  Tabor added.  

While it seems more and more individuals are finding resources online for all kinds of different DIY projects, there is one thing that stands out about Mojotone.  Again, Tabor sheds light  on this, saying "Our CEO was a pre-med student.  Our marketing director went to school for Zoology.  Our sales staff can build amps, and our IT guy builds bass cabinets in his spare time.  

We are self-taught in as many ways as one could imagine, so when we sell 'DIY' to our customers, we aren't just selling them a pat on the back and a nice big 'you can do it slugger.'  We are selling them something that we know, first hand, they are capable of accomplishing."